Power of Light | Basic Training 2025 - part 4 / 5 days


Vedanta Aspioti
zo 21/09 09:30 - do 25/09 18:00

Info and registration:




Interview on You Tube

Individual sesions


(This part of the training is also open for people that have not participated in the previous trainings).

Exploring the Beliefs and Conquering the Superego

In our lives today, most of us have lost touch with our intuition, that inner voice of our conscience which functions as a guiding light in our lives and can lead us to our true purpose. Instead, we often listen to and identify with limiting, critical and punishing voices within us that keep us confined within a prison of false beliefs about ourselves and life.

In the fourth part of the Power of Light training, we identify and clean out what stands in the way of us connecting to our true inner voice and guidance, so we can see the real, beyond our conditioning, our projections and our false ideas of who we are. When we are able to tune in to the source within us, we can live in the here and now and connect to the true direction of our Soul, moving toward a future which is in line with our full potential. In this group, we take an in-depth look at our psychological structure and specifically at the ego-superego constellation. Through experiential work and exercises we will see how the superego – which is basically the internalized toxic voices of our parents – still controls us and takes away our inner regulation and our autonomy. We will gather the tools to become aware of and confront these judgmental and criticizing toxic inner voices in order to eliminate the effect they have on us and our life.

We will experience and discover:

  • The fifth chakra, the center of expression, beliefs and manifestation
  • Our negative beliefs about ourselves and life, the way they limit our life energy, causing stagnation and repetition of old patterns
  • The power of affirmation and manifestation
  • The creativity in our everyday life that springs from following our inner guidance
  • The sense of freedom of living life from true presence without the internalized toxic voices of criticism and judgment that keep us prisoners of our conditioning

The last day of this retreat will be dedicated to integrating the tools gathered in our exploration during the Power of Light training.

For further information and bookings, please contact Devi Legaki at devi_legaki@outlook.com