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Wajid Osho Meditatie Centrum

AUM Meditation

Awareness, Understanding Meditation

Join us for a transformative evening to start your week feeling fully energized!

This powerful 13-stage journey will help you explore and release emotions in a safe and supportive space. Through this guided powerful journey of breathing, anger, chaos, love, sadness, laughter, forgiveness, silence, and bliss, you’ll transition through emotions, reconnecting with yourself and others.

Some stages are solo, while others involve connection, including screaming, intimacy (fully clothed), and hugging if you choose, therefore if you want to practice building connection, connecting to your own truth, setting boundaries, able to learn transition from one feeling to another, this may be the perfect place for you!

Created by Veeresh as a gift to Osho, this evening will be guided by Dassana Bambi and Rohit. At the end of this journey you’ll feel energized, connected, peaceful, and passionate about life. 

AUM Meditation opens the heart, making it ideal for everyone, both newcomers and experienced meditators. For those who already have experience of AUM Meditation, this course is undoubtedly a valuable deepening and broadening of the practice. 

The AUM is part of a whole day but you can also join seperate:

13.00 - 17.30 D.M.T Discovery journey to 7 chakras, 7 colors 

17.30 - 18.30 potluck dinner

18.30 - 22.00 AUM Meditation 

What to bring: 

- Wear comfortable clothing

- Pack extra clothes (you may sweat during active stages)

- Eat light, bring light food for potluck if you decide to join. 

You probably have never felt so ready to start the week after AUM !


Dassana' s spiritual journey began nearly 24 years ago at Osho centers across India, Turkey, Greece, Italy and now based in Den Haag . Immersed in various range of mindfulness, healing, shamanism, bodywork, massages, dearmouring, spirituality, dance, and tantra—worked, organised, assisted and translated more then hundreds of workshops, thousands of private sessions with famous teachers,  she has cultivated a passion for creating authentic, transformative, playful and heart-opening experiences. 

Her work helps individuals connect deeply with their body, soul, mind, essence, passion, and the magic of life. Dassana offers tantric dance events, workshops, and private sessions. With her intuitive and personalized approach, participants frequently report finding inner peace, emotional freedom, joy, self-acceptance, and liberation from shame, guilt, and conditioning.