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Wajid Osho Meditatie Centrum

Systemic coaching and constellations

I offer one-on-one sessions where I use a combination of techniques from systemic coaching,  family and organizational constellations, release (Sedona), neuro linguistic programming. For constellations I use objects, Playmobil, visualizing, floor mats.

After going through a variety of personal development techniques, I discovered the power of systemic constellations in 2012 and since 2015 (8 years) I have been in continuous training and practicing. I’ve trained and worked with Jutta ten Herkel, Ion Bucur and Jan Jacob Stam, facilitated one-to-one and group constellations, participated in international conferences and I am part of international intervision groups. Besides, I have trained and practiced NLP coaching and the Releasing technique.

I have over 25 years experience in organizational and societal consulting, applying psychological models, neuroscience and constellations in developing business strategy. I am also a wife and mom of 3 teenage kids, my greatest source of inspiration. Living in Den Haag.

About Family constellations method:

A constellation is a visual representation of what is in the unconscious mind and helps to reveal hidden patterns, loyalties and entanglements that influence our lives. Besides, it is based on the systemic approach, meaning that we are not alone and acting independently, but we are part of a system. Because we are part of a larger context, we are born in a certain family, in a certain society, with certain ethnicity, maybe some type of religion/spirituality, in a specific socio-economical context, we are influenced by that context. There are certain values and rules of the groups we belong to and they shape us and our lives. Sometimes, in order to belong we have to give up  part of ourselves.

Constellations have nothing to do with astrology, but a lot to do with psychotherapy, healing and movements of the soul. Working in this way brings us clarity and peace, we get to make sense of things that are happening in our lives and take our appropriate place in our system, where love and life can flow with ease.

We are able to reveal sometimes more hidden parts of our mind and soul, more of our unconscious and see how we have hidden connections and links with our family system.