Meditation Days


EPI team

Whole day €75 or for half a day €45

Sat 30/11 08:15 to 18:30

Info en aanmelden:



The team of the Essential Psychotherapy Institute are inviting you to our quarterly meditation days that we now offer like this for the first time, with a specific theme.

The theme follows the groups and trainings, so that the meditation days allow for deepening and enhancing of those participating already or as a beautiful introduction to starting one of the groups or trainings. In addition they can be a stand-alone experience for connecting more deeply within and investigating your relationship with yourself or an aspect of your life.

We will open with an introduction to dynamic meditation, and after a breakfast break introduce the theme with a chance to introduce yourself and why you attend, so we can support your intent. We continue with a variety of meditations according to the theme supported with elements of grounding, bodywork and other supportive exercises.

We finish with a final sharing.

Theme of the first day is INNER CHILD, leading up to the Inner Child groups that start again September 5th.

First day: August 25th

Theme: Inner Child

You are welcome to sign up for the whole day: €75

Or for half a day: €45

The Second Meditation Day will be:

November 30th;

Theme: Embodiment. This serves to lead up to the start of Power of Light training in February 19 - 23  2025.

The next two dates are to be confirmed.


  1. Empowerment
  2. Beyond the Conditioned Mind